The key aspect of St John’s improvement focus is student learning.
To maintain this focus St John’s has developed processes that provide both a clear understanding of students’ needs as individual learners and meaningful learning experiences informed by an understanding of learners.
Data on student learning and growth is made meaningful when the learner is viewed in a holistic context. Learning environments at St John’s are reflective of the Catholic identity and life of the school, with a strong commitment to pastoral care and student wellbeing for learning.
With an understanding of what students already know and can do, teachers design learning experiences that matter for students, where the content and scope and sequence of these learning experiences is informed by the Australian curriculum in New South Wales.
Class teachers at St John’s implement the NSW Syllabus for the Australian Curriculum in all KLAs, providing explicit teaching and learning experiences which develop positive values and attitudes, skills and knowledge in each KLA.
The Learning Support Teacher assists in the assessment of students’ literacy and numeracy levels and supports the classroom teacher so that opportunities for curriculum differentiation are implemented to ensure all children have access to the curriculum and that individual literacy and numeracy needs are being met. He/she will also assist with the development of special programs for students with specific learning needs, when required.
The Learning Support Assistant, where allocated, assists the class teacher within the classroom context or on a one-to-one or small group basis following programs devised by the class teacher and/or LST.
Teacher Librarian supports the teacher through the provision of programs of work, to complement what is being taught in the classroom and provide further opportunities to develop skills in information technology.
The Library Assistant assists in the development of literacy by assisting in the retrieval of resources and assisting children to locate suitably levelled books.
School Psychologist works with children, families and staff to meet the pastoral needs of students. The school psychologist runs programs such as homework support, games centre and the Cool & Friendly area at lunchtime, as well as being available to meet with parents if required.
Parent and Community volunteers are encouraged to assist classroom teachers during the day in activities such as, reading groups in the English teaching session, Art activities, Science activities and so on. Learning goals in English and Mathematics are communicated with parents and activities provided to assist with practise of the skills at home.