St John’s provides canteen facilities which meet the needs of the students and school community. St John’s school canteen is open for lunch Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The canteen provides a selection of fresh and healthy food choices at an affordable price for students and families. The service on offer is only possible with the generous support and assistance of parents, friends and the relatives of children who attend St John’s.  There is a variety of food options on offer and prices are kept to a minimum.

The St John’s Lambton school canteen implements the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy. This strategy defines two categories of food and drink to be sold in the school canteen.

  • Everyday food and drinks - at least ¾ of the menu must have a high health star rating; specific portion limits for milk, juice and ready to eat meals; and healthy food options displayed and promoted.
  • Occasional food and drinks – maximum ¼ of regular menu, health star rating of 3.5 star and above, portion limits for all food and drinks; and options not promoted or displayed.

Parents, guardians and family members are encouraged to assist at the school canteen on a rostered basis. WWCC checks and compliance requirements apply to all volunteers.
